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生我养我是大海浙江省象山县的天下渔港石浦,孕育有丰富多彩的海洋文化。石浦渔港造就了一代又一代渔家儿女,专门用手工制作千年古船模的杨雪峰就是其中的一位。十多年来,他和同事们精心制作出一万多艘古船模,成为石浦渔港海洋文化中的一朵奇葩,成为浙江省非物质文化遗产中的一道靓丽风景。石浦渔港潮起潮落,杨雪峰从出生起便枕着大海的涛声成长。16岁时,杨雪峰到隔海相望的东门岛船厂当学徒工,每天和大大小小的木船打交道。木船上的摸爬滚打,使他对从甲板到船帆、船舷、船舱、船舵、船机等,产生了一种特 Born me I was the sea world of fishing in Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province Shipu Shipu, pregnant with a colorful marine culture. Shipu fishing port created a generation after generation of fishermen and children, specializing in hand-made millennium antique model Yang Xuefeng is one of them. For more than a decade, he and his colleagues have elaborately produced over 10,000 vessels of ancient vessels, becoming a wonderful work in the marine culture of Shipu fishing port and becoming a beautiful scenery in the intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang Province. Shipu fishing tide ebb and flow, Yang Xuefeng from birth it will be the sea of ​​sound waves of growth. At the age of 16, Yang Xuefeng was apprenticed to the East Gate Shipyard across the sea, dealing daily with wooden boats of all sizes. Fought on the wooden boat, so that he from the deck to the sail, ship's rail, cabin, rudder, ship machine, etc., has produced a special
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一、亚铁盐溶液久置而变质  亚铁盐溶液久置变质是被空气中O2氧化而造成的,在酸性介质中Fe2+较稳定,不易被O2氧化,只是相当缓慢的氧化而变质,从溶液外观现象来看,溶液由浅绿色缓慢变成浅黄色,产物是Fe3+。
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“生命·实践”的理论是叶澜教授基于打破传统课堂的沉疴,激活课堂教学的生命力而提出的。生命化教学是教师与学生以生命发展为基础,通过对生活世界的关注,使学生得到情感体验、人格提升、个性张扬,同时使教师的职业生命活力得以焕发,师生生命在交往互动、共同经历中不断生成的过程。在此,笔者主要结合语文学科谈谈对生命化教学的几点思考。  一、生命化教学要真实自然  叶澜教授在《什么样的课算好课》一文中强调,一堂好
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