拳参(Polygonum Bistora L)是常用的中药之一。药用拳参系蓼科植物拳参的干燥根茎。拳参具有清热、镇惊、理湿、消肿、镇痛等功效。临床上常用于治口腔炎、咽喉炎、肝炎、肠炎、痢疾、痈肿、痔疮肿痛、热病惊搐、破伤风、赤痢脓血、毒蛇咬伤、湿热泄泻等病症~([1-3])。近年来对拳参及拳参提取物的研究较多。研究表明:拳参及拳参提取物主要争对心、脑血管的保护作用(主要是本课题组研究),为了进一步研究和开发利用拳参,本文对其心
Boxer (Polygonum Bistora L) is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. Medicinal ginseng is the dry rhizome of Polygonaceae. Boxer has heat, shock, dampness, swelling, pain relief and other effects. Clinic commonly used in the treatment of stomatitis, pharyngitis, hepatitis, enteritis, dysentery, boils, hemorrhoids swelling and pain, fever convulsions, tetanus, dysentery abscess, snake bites, 3]). In recent years, fist and ginseng extract more research. Studies have shown that: Fusong and Forsythia extract mainly for the protection of the heart and brain blood vessels (mainly the research group), in order to further research and development and utilization of Fist of reference