很多年来都想写点什么,可总是自觉文字欠佳而没有勇气提笔。然而心中那不断涌动太多的感动却使我无法按捺,汇成一句话:谢谢你,我的良师益友——《机械工人》。 我是1989年技校毕业参加工作的,在工具分厂作一名车工,参加工作后一个偶然的机会,我从师傅的工具箱中发现一本32开的1988年第8期的《机械工人》,里边的内容涉及设备维修、刀具、夹具、测量、小经验等,我对这些内容非常感兴趣,并且有好多在实践中都能运用,既提高生产效率,又降低生产成本,深受同行的羡慕。 从不经意的邂逅到今日的相知相悦,《机械工人》伴我走过了十几个春秋。《机械工人》从过去的32开版本到16开版本,从16开的简装到如今的精装版本,它印刷精美,
For many years want to write something, but always consciously poor writing and no courage to pen. However, my heart is constantly moving too much touched me so I can not restrain, remitted into one sentence: Thank you, my mentor - “mechanical workers.” I graduated from a technical school in 1989 to participate in the work of the tool factory as a turner, after joining the work of a chance, I found in the master’s toolbox a 32 opened in 1988 No. 8 “mechanic” , Which involves the equipment maintenance, cutting tools, fixtures, measurement, small experience, I am very interested in these contents, and a lot can be used in practice, both to improve production efficiency and reduce production costs, by counterparts envy. From casual encounters to today’s mutual understanding and joy, “mechanic” with me through more than a dozen spring and autumn. The mechanic, from 32 open versions in the past to 16 open versions, ran from 16-ready to the hardcover version of today, with beautifully printed,