描述了杉科属间杂交新树种东方杉(Taxodium mucronatum Ten.×Cryptomeria fortunei Hooi-brenk ex Otto et Dietr.)的起源、特性和生态价值。该树种属半常绿高大乔木,1963年在南京杂交成功,1975年引入上海,并进行无性繁殖,上海现约有大树2000株。该树种此前鲜为人知,但如今因其树形美观,生长速度快,且兼备耐盐碱、耐水湿和抗风等优良特性,而逐渐被人们所重视。该杂种的形态与墨西哥落羽杉(Taxodiummucronatum)很相似,但一些营养体的特征与后者有差异,主要表现为:东方杉树干基部圆整,无板状根;树皮有明显横裂;主干离地约5m处常形成分杈。
The origin, characteristics and ecological value of taxodium mucronatum Ten. × Cryptomeria fortunei Hooi-brenk ex Otto et Dietr. The tree is a semi-evergreen tall tree, hybrid in Nanjing in 1963 success, introduced in 1975 in Shanghai, and asexual breeding, Shanghai now has about 2000 trees. This species was previously little known, but nowadays people are paying more attention because of its beautiful tree shape, fast growth, and its excellent characteristics of salt tolerance, moisture resistance and wind resistance. The morphology of the hybrid was very similar to Taxodium mucronatum, but the characteristics of some nutriments were different from those of the latter. The main features of the hybrid were as follows: the basal part of oriental fir tree was round with no plate root; the bark had obvious transverse rupture; About 5m off the ground often form bifurcation.