6月18日上午,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》和《科技项目招标投标管理暂行办法》,全国水资源综合规划编制工作领导小组办公室对全国水资源综合规划中的6个研究专题在北京开标。 本次招标是全国水资源综合规划编制工作首次在全社会进行公开招标,经过精心挑选的6个研究专题具有综合性和广泛的社会性,是水资源综合规划编制工作在指导思想、工作方式
On the morning of June 18, according to the “Bidding and Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Provisional Measures for the Administration of Tendering and Bidding for Science and Technology Projects,” the six leading special projects in the comprehensive planning of water resources of China conducted by the Leading Group for Compilation of Integrated Water Resources Planning of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing Bid opening. This bidding is the first time that the compilation of comprehensive water resources plans for the whole country has been openly tendered in the whole society. After careful selection of six research topics, they are comprehensive and extensively socialized. They are the guiding ideology and working methods of comprehensive water resources planning