《优选论论文集》(Optimality Theory)是2000年出版的《语言学评论》(LinguisticRe-view)17卷第1、2、3期的合刊,是一本专门评论优选论的专辑,由美国Connecticut大学语言学系的Nancy Ritter担任编辑。《语言学评论》是“欧亚生成语言学协会”(Generative LinguistsoftheOld World,简称GLOW)的正式刊物,主
Optimality Theory, a collection of the first, second, and third issues of Volume 17, LinguisticReview, published in 2000, is an album dedicated to the theory of preference, Nancy Ritter, a linguistics faculty member at the University of Connecticut, is an editor. The Linguistic Review is the official publication of the Generative Linguists of theOld World (GLOW)