【摘 要】
The classic phytohormone auxin plays an essential role in priming meristematic cell differentiation in the shoot apical meristem to promote lateral organ initia
【机 构】
CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of Scienc
The classic phytohormone auxin plays an essential role in priming meristematic cell differentiation in the shoot apical meristem to promote lateral organ initiation.Recently,several lines of evidence have suggested that auxin is not only transported to new primordia but also descends to the stem cells in the central zone.However,the function of auxin in stem cell regulation has remained elusive.Here,we show that auxin signaling in stem cells is mediated,at least in part,byAUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR5/MONOPTEROS (ARF5/MP),which directly represses the transcription of DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOTREGENERATION1 (DRN/ESR 1).DRN expressed in stem cells positively regulates CLAVATA3 (CLV3) expression and has important meristematic functions.Our results provide a mechanistic framework for auxin control of shoot stem cell homeostasis and demonstrate how auxin differentially controls plant stem cell maintenance and differentiation.
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我身体里的一个人开始走出来了 通过移步 这个无形的人 幾乎与我同高,一样胖瘦 他闷闷不乐 像一个在屋里呆久的人 他移出我的身体 独自地在世上走着 我对面的那张桌子 也凭空消失 桌上的花和绿萝却还在 像一种象征 在很多年后 我知道还有一个无形的椅子 在那张虚无的桌子旁边 上面端坐着一个人 是我,或者从我体内出走的人 我并未因此变得快乐 或者忧伤 如果除去时间