2000年4月24日,开县县委、县政府领导为义和镇农兴村党支部书记、退伍军人、民兵连指导员梁玉林披红戴花,欢送他去重庆市参加全市劳动模范表彰会。在荣誉和鲜花面前,这位38岁的硬汉子激动得热泪盈眶,艰辛的创业历程不由得一幕一幕地涌上心头。 义和镇农兴村是一个远离周边场镇、交通不便、信息不灵、买难卖难、人地矛盾突出的特困村。当地人有一句顺口溜:深山峡谷顽石多,
On April 24, 2000, leaders of Kaixian County Party Committee and County Government headed the party branch secretary and veterans of the town of Nongxing Village, Yihe Town, and Liang Yulin, an instructor of the militia and even the leader of the militia, welcomed him to Chongqing Municipality to participate in the recognition of the model workers in the city. In honor and flowers in front of the 38-year-old tough man excited tears, difficult entrepreneurial journey could not help but come to mind. Yihe Town Nong Hing Estate is a far-away from the surrounding market town, traffic inconvenience, information is not good, difficult to buy hard to sell, prominent contradictions between man and woman village. Locals have a jaundice: deep rock Canyon more stone,