工业管理是一个大概念,它包括对一个工业企业,对整个工业部门以及对工业中的某个部门、行业进行的管理。管理是协作劳动的产物。管理具有二重性质:由社会化生产所决定的自然属性和由特定生产关系所决定的社会属性。深刻理解管理二重性的原理,弄清同基于社会化大生产的社会主义与资本主义工业管理的异同,认识社会主义工业企业管理(微观)与工业部门管理(宏观) 的关系,无论对工业管理的理论建设,还是对工业管理的实践活动,都不无意义。
Industrial management is a big concept, which includes the management of an industrial enterprise, the entire industrial sector, and a sector or industry in the industry. Management is the product of collaborative work. Management has the dual nature of the natural attributes dictated by socialized production and the social attributes dictated by the particular production relations. Understand profoundly the principle of the duality of management, find out the similarities and differences between the socialist and capitalist industrial management based on the socialized mass production, and recognize the relationship between the socialist industrial enterprise management (micro) and the industrial sector management (macro) Theoretical construction, or the practice of industrial management activities, are meaningless.