In order to reduce the yield and quality of the winter and spring vegetable cultivation in solar greenhouse in Ningxia, low temperature led to the decrease of yield and quality. In this study, the common cucumber variety “Del 99”, “Del 99” grafted seedlings and “Del 100” According to the temperature change of winter greenhouse in Ningxia, the artificial artificial climate chamber was set up to simulate the temperature of 23 ℃ / 6 ℃ (day temperature / night temperature) and 23 ℃ / 17 ℃ (control) After 4, 6, 8 and 10 days, the contents of MDA, relative conductivity, proline content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in cucumber seedlings under different low temperature and recovery were determined. To explore the adaptability and tolerant period of cucumber seedlings under low temperature conditions, and to provide a basis for screening cucumber varieties suitable for winter and spring in the local solar greenhouse. The results showed that seedlings of three cucumber cultivars all suffered different degrees of damage under low temperature stress. The seedlings of “Del 99” and “Del 100” were able to tolerate 2 ~ 4 days after 6 ℃ low temperature stress, The grafting seedlings of “Del 99” were restored to their normal growth after 8 ~ 10 days of low temperature stress. The cold resistance of 3 cucumber cultivars was evaluated by the membership function. The “cold 99” grafting seedlings “Del 99 ”.