A Method for Measuring the Structure Complexity of Web Application

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenyf
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The precise and effective measure results of Web applications not only facilitate good comprehension of them, but also benefit to the macro-management of software activities, such as testing, reverse engineering, reuse, etc. The paper exploits some researches on measuring the structure complexity of Web application. Through a deep analysis of the configuration and objects’ interactions of Web system, two conclusions have been drawn: ① A generic Web application consists of static web page, dynamic page, component and database object; ② The main interactions have only three styles, that is static link, dynamic link and call/return relation. Based on analysis and modeling of the content of a Web page (static or dynamic), complexity measure methods of both control logic of script and nesting of HTML code are further discussed. In addition, two methods for measuring the complexity of inter-page navigation are also addressed by modeling the inter-page navigation behaviors of Web application via WNG graph. The precise and effective measure results of Web applications not only facilitate good comprehension of them, but also benefit to the macro-management of software activities, such as testing, reverse engineering, reuse, etc. The paper exploits some researches on measuring the structure complexity of Web application. Through a deep analysis of the configuration and objects’ interactions of Web system, two conclusions have been drawn: ① A generic Web application consists of static web page, dynamic page, component and database object; Based on analysis and modeling of the content of a Web page (static or dynamic), complexity measure methods of both control logic of script and nesting of HTML code are further three styles, that is static link, dynamic link and call / return relation. discussed. addition, two methods for measuring the complexity of inter-page navigation are also addressed by modeling the inter-page navigation behaviors of Web applicators ation via WNG graph.
在有关乾隆皇帝的传说中,香妃的故事最为动人。相传她长得国色天香,浑身生来就散发一股奇香,所以人们称她“香妃”。传说中她非常不幸,后来被皇太后赐死。也有人认为,根本没有香妃其人。历史上到底有无香妃其人?她是何许人?香妃之谜成为乾隆朝的一大疑案。  清末民初,在民间广泛流传着有关乾隆皇帝的香妃的传说。据说香妃长得国色天香,而且浑身生来散发一股奇香,“既不是花香也不是粉香,别有一种奇芳异馥,沁人心脾”。
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