肾上腺皮质癌比较少见,按其临床表现可分为有分泌作用的功能性肿瘤和无分泌作用的非功能性肿瘤。我们曾收治一例因外伤所致肾上腺皮质癌破裂出血的患儿,但由于当时无特征性临床表现,加之对本病缺乏认识,处理无经验,而误诊为创伤性后腹膜血肿,现报告如下。患儿,男,13岁。因左腰、腹部被他人踢伤1天,于1982年3月26日入院。近3个月来常出现左上腹疼痛,能自行缓解。体检:T37.1℃,P60次/分,BP13.3/9.06kPa。发育正常。左上腹较饱满,有压痛及反跳痛,左肾区叩痛,肠鸣音弱。Hb 65 g/L,白细胞数15×10~9/L,中性78%,淋巴22%。
Adrenocortical carcinoma is rare, according to its clinical manifestations can be divided into secretory functional tumors and non-secretory non-functional tumors. We have treated a patient with adrenal cortical carcinoma rupture due to trauma. However, due to the absence of characteristic clinical manifestations at the time, combined with the lack of understanding of the disease, treatment inexperienced, and misdiagnosed as traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma, the report is as follows. Children, male, 13 years old. He was admitted to the hospital on March 26, 1982 because he was kicked by the left waist and the abdomen for another day. Pain in the left upper quadrant often occurs in the past 3 months and can relieve itself. Physical examination: T37.1°C, P60 beats/min, BP13.3/9.06kPa. Normal development. The upper left abdomen is fuller, with tenderness and rebound tenderness, pain in the left kidney area, and weak bowel sounds. Hb 65 g/L, WBC 15×10-9/L, neutral 78%, lymph 22%.