Chinese medicine is used to prevent and treat diseases. The quality of Chinese medicine is directly related to the efficacy of Chinese medicine and people’s health. The author combined inspection and inspection and acceptance; investigated 25 Chinese medicine shops (rooms) at the grassroots level in our country. Now on the quality of grass-roots traditional Chinese medicine, put forward some immature views. First, improper repair and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is the initial processing of Chinese herbal medicines, remove non-medicinal parts and impurities, and distinguish between medicinal parts. Although some traditional Chinese medicines are of the same origin, their functional differences are very different. They must be repaired and strictly separated in order to give full play to their efficacy. However, this work is often overlooked at the grassroots level. Such as the ephedra stems of the goods, mixed with root residues of ephedra, mixed with residual stems in the Ephedra root, and some units do not strictly distinguish the treatment on the drug. Ephedra stem sweating, Ephedra root antiperspirant, different function, mixed use, affect the efficacy of drugs. Rosa laevigata has to be cut in two to remove the nucleus, but many grass-roots departments only deburr the whole formulation, which is not conducive to the decoction of the active ingredient. Spotted and poisonous, especially at the foot joints