
来源 :中成药研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BB8120
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中药是用于防病治病,中药质量好坏直接关系到中药疗效与人民健康。笔者结合检查验验收;调查了我地基层25个中药店(房)。现就目前基层中药质量上的问题,提出一些不成熟看法。一、修治不当中药修治是对中药材初步加工处理,除去非药用部分及杂质,区分药用部分。有的中药虽同出一体,但其功用差异悬殊,必须经过修冶,严格分开,才能充分发挥药效。但这项工作基层往往忽视。如麻黄茎的来货中,混有麻黄残留根须,在麻黄根中夹杂残茎,有的单位不严格修治区分就入药。麻黄茎发汗,麻黄根止汗、功用不同,混杂使用,影响到药效发挥。金樱子要纵切两瓣,除去毛核,但不少基层部门只去毛刺、整货配方,不利于有效成分的煎出。斑蝥有毒,特别在足关节处 Chinese medicine is used to prevent and treat diseases. The quality of Chinese medicine is directly related to the efficacy of Chinese medicine and people’s health. The author combined inspection and inspection and acceptance; investigated 25 Chinese medicine shops (rooms) at the grassroots level in our country. Now on the quality of grass-roots traditional Chinese medicine, put forward some immature views. First, improper repair and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is the initial processing of Chinese herbal medicines, remove non-medicinal parts and impurities, and distinguish between medicinal parts. Although some traditional Chinese medicines are of the same origin, their functional differences are very different. They must be repaired and strictly separated in order to give full play to their efficacy. However, this work is often overlooked at the grassroots level. Such as the ephedra stems of the goods, mixed with root residues of ephedra, mixed with residual stems in the Ephedra root, and some units do not strictly distinguish the treatment on the drug. Ephedra stem sweating, Ephedra root antiperspirant, different function, mixed use, affect the efficacy of drugs. Rosa laevigata has to be cut in two to remove the nucleus, but many grass-roots departments only deburr the whole formulation, which is not conducive to the decoction of the active ingredient. Spotted and poisonous, especially at the foot joints
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目的探讨不同营养支持对极低体重儿脑部发育的影响作用。方法将135例极低体重儿随机分为对照组52例[早期(出生后24 h内)积极予以营养支持及微量喂养]和观察组83例[出生后48~7