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在我国九百六十万平方公里的土地上,或戈壁、丛林,或荒原、海岛,或乡村、都市,有着一座座军营,它是我们伟大祖国钢铁长城的象征。军营,士兵的天国。我们年轻的战士,牢记人民的嘱托和期望,履行着共和国公民的神圣义务,在这里学习、训练、生产并时刻准备战斗,度过他们人生最宝贵、最美好的青春年华。他们用自己的赤胆忠心,保卫着我们可爱的祖国。愿本刊新辟《可爱的军营》这个栏目,成为一个窗口,使向往从军卫国的广大适龄民兵,以及一切关心军队建设的人们,了解军营生活,了解人民军队,从而进一步增强国防观念,更加热爱自己的军队。我们希望解放军指战员积极来稿,谈谈你们参军后成长进步的心得体会,讲讲我军亲密无间的官兵关系,丰富多彩的文体活动,紧张欢乐的军训场面,新奇少见的轶闻趣事,等等。稿件要求内容真实,有故事性,言短意深,生动活泼。——编者 In our 9.6 million square kilometers of land, or in Gobi, the jungle, or the wilderness, islands, or towns and cities, there is a military barracks. It is a symbol of the great steelworks in our great motherland. Barracks, the kingdom of soldiers. Our young warriors, bearing in mind the exhortations and aspirations of the people, fulfill the sacred obligation of the citizens of the Republic, learn, train, produce and stand ready to fight here and spend the most precious and beautiful youth of their life. They are faithful to their own brave, defending our lovely homeland. Let this magazine open up the column entitled “Cute Barracks” and become a window to enable the majority of the age-appropriate militias aspiring to the military and civilian areas, as well as all those who care about army building, understand the life of the barracks and understand the people’s army so as to further enhance the concept of national defense and even more Love your army. We hope PLA Inspectors and Fighters can contribute their contributions actively, talk about your feelings of progress and progress after joining the army, talk about the intimate relationship between officers and soldiers in our army, a variety of cultural and sports activities, intense military training scenes, rare and rare anecdotes, and so on. Manuscript content requirements of real, story, short and deep meaning, lively and vivid. --editor
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格雷格·波波维奇,白人,现年59岁;执教圣安东尼奥马刺13年,总战绩643胜310负,四夺NBA总冠军,五年前荣膺年度最佳教练。杰里·斯隆,白人,现年66岁;执教犹他爵士22年,总战绩1102胜726负,没有总冠军戒指,从未当选年度最佳教练。    当然,任何一位球迷都不会把他们俩与艾弗里·约翰逊以及萨姆·米切尔混淆——尽管后两位都曾获得过年度最佳教练称号,不过现在,这两位最佳教练却已经无球可教。