在我国西南边陲,有一条公路经云南省会昆明通畹町可到达缅甸。这段长达900多公里的320国道就是滇缅公路。在纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年的日子里,人们不能不忆起滇缅公路所历经的战火硝烟。 1937年“八、一三”松沪会战,标志着抗日战争已全面展开。那时,日军迅速增兵,军舰、飞机、大炮和枪支弹药匆匆从海上运来,连侵占华北的力量也开始南移,日军乘袭击芦沟桥的成功,攻下天津和古都北平的气焰,想速占上海,打开国民政府的首都南
On the southwest border of our country, there is a road that can reach Myanmar through Kunming Tung-yang-cho, the capital of Yunnan province. This section of more than 900 kilometers of the National Road 320 is Burma Road. In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war, one can not but recall the war on the Burmese-Burma road. 1937 “Eight, one three” “Battle of Songhu”, marking the Anti-Japanese War has been in full swing. At that time, the Japanese army rapidly increased forces and warships, planes, artillery and guns and ammunition hurriedly shipped from the sea. Even the invasion and occupation of north China began to move southward. The Japanese army attacked Lugou Bridge and succeeded in capturing the arrogance of Tianjin and the ancient capital of Peiping. Want to quickly accounted for Shanghai, the capital of the National Government to open south