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新赛季英超早已拉开大幕,各路诸侯也都粉墨登场各显其能。球迷在关注群雄积分的同时,也不忘对射手榜上的英豪投去敬意的目光。联赛前八轮过后,英超射手榜看去却没有积分榜上豪门那样稳定和明朗,这也和开局阶段中游球队的发力和崛起有关。四届英超射手王亨利远在十名开外,而“核弹头”舍瓦的情况更是低速。或许真是应了那句江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。埃弗顿的安迪·约翰逊、西汉姆联的萨英拉、查尔顿的达伦·本特,继续捍卫着英格兰本土射手的荣耀,而德罗巴、卡努等外籍杀手也在射手榜上昂首前进,兰帕德依然犀利,索尔斯克亚老而弥坚,新赛季的英超金靴之争注定惨烈而波折。而那些在射手榜上逼近百球的球星,自然更是不会放慢前进的脚步,那是一份无上的荣耀在召唤他们。而对于那些年轻的射手,只要他们继续在这个联赛里打拼,踏实前进,积跬步终以至千里,他们也一定能达到或者接近这个目标。在下文中,笔者根据英超各队的现状及其队内的射手情况,选取了一些有代表性的球星,依据他们的特点,对他们完成联赛百球的可能性及其时机展开阐述和分析。(本文进球统计截止到2006年10月30日) The new season Premiership already opened the curtain, princes of all walks of life are also all show their talents. Fans concerned about the hero’s points at the same time, they did not forget the striker’s hero on the list to pay respect. After the first eight rounds of the league, the Premier League striker list does not seem as solid and clear standings giants, which is also related to the start stage and the mid-game team’s strength and rise. Fourth Premier League striker Wang Hengli away from the ten, and “nuclear warhead ” Sheva’s situation is even slower. Perhaps it should be the phrase Jiangshan generation of talent, the leading position for hundreds of years. Andy Johnson of Everton, Samurai of West Ham United, and Darren Bent of Charlton continue to defend the glory of English native shooters, while foreign killers such as Didier Drogba and Kanu are among the striker On the forward, Lampard is still sharp, Solskjaer old and strong, the new season of the Premiership Golden Boot destined fierce and twists and turns. And those players approaching the scorer in the scorer hundred star, nature will not slow down the pace of progress, it is a supreme glory summon them. For those young shooters, as long as they continue to work hard in this league, steadfast, and eventually reach the mile, they will certainly be able to achieve or approach this goal. In the following, according to the status quo of the English Premier League teams and their shooters in the team, I select some representative players, according to their characteristics, their possibility of completion of the league 100 balls and the opportunity to expound and analyze. (This article scoring statistics as of October 30, 2006)
IT’S springtime in Hainan,literally in terms of the season,but also guratively in terms of an ongoing era of rebirth for the tropical island.Hainan is China’s