Digital transformation of Chinese enterprises out of the road of innovation

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  2017 Hannover consumer electronics, information and communications Expo opened in March 20th. No. 2 exhibition hall, a Lego building a "digital factory" is busy work: the production line of the head, an automatic guided vehicle is feeding; the assembly of finished products were loaded onto another automated guided vehicle, then transported to the center of distribution -- "this is we to a imagine the future of digital factory. Office, warehouse, production, quality inspection, logistics, all of these processes and equipment are connected by mobile broadband." Ma, vice president of business operations, HUAWEI technology company, told reporters that "it is worth mentioning that this is the result of cooperation between China and Germany four companies innovation. This cooperative innovation will be the development direction of intelligent manufacturing."
  Demonstrating and exploring the trends and opportunities in the digital transformation of economic society
  In the above example, HUAWEI is responsible for the infrastructure of information and communication technology; Shanghai Hand Enterprise Solutions Company Ltd good production plan and manufacturing integration; the German SAP company to provide database and operation; SAP's company Hybris is responsible for building the cloud. Ma Yue believes that the digital transformation of enterprises unlimited market challenges, also difficult, no one alone can provide all the solutions. Only through cooperation can meet the needs of customers. It is predicted that the next 10 years, the world will have a connection of the 100 billion, including the connection between people, people and things, as well as the connection between things and things. 55% of the links will be concentrated in the industry market, such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, finance and other industries.
  The Expo with the "digital economy, endless" as the theme, to show and explore the economic and social trends and opportunities in the digital transformation. Things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality, network security and other hot topics have a special exhibition hall.
明艳春季,彩妆大师Bobbi推出了色泽艳丽的色彩天堂妆容,Bobbl相信鲜亮的珊瑚色将是本季最热门的色调,同时兼有粉色基调和黄色基调的珊瑚色系也将讨巧地成为欧美女性和亚洲女性的共同所爱。  为此,Bobbi还别出心裁地推出了限量版的色彩天堂彩条组合盘,以珊瑚色系主打的唇颊彩条,它的乳霜状质地,既可以用作樱唇修饰,也是美艳面颊的神奇打造秘籍。  该妆容眼部、唇部及双颊均使用BOBBI BROWN全新
镶着宝石的丝绸小礼服如星光般闪耀,与之相应衬的却是干枯毛糙,看起来毫无生气的灰暗发质——一个完美的婚礼PARTY QUEEN怎能允许这样的情形发生在自己身上?  就让美容编辑与你一起分享10个的来自国际专业美发大师的PARTY秀发秘籍,让秀发和华服一样闪亮。    1 微波炉加热精华素    你肯定早就习惯了每次洗发后用护发精华素,但是它的效果并不是很让你满意。试试看把精华素放进小瓷碟子里,再用微
1 OLAY新生塑颜修护精华露    体验者:吴毓美 设计总监32岁  体验感言:对我而言,这是性价比非常高的一款精华,可能跟我其他产品也都用OLAY有关吧,这款精华的淡斑抗皱效果很好。我的斑集中在两颊靠眼角的部位,而且是块儿斑,全部去除不太可能,但真的是淡了很多。用了大概半年,现在出门稍微打层薄薄的粉底液基本上就看不到斑了。眼睑周围的细纹也淡了不少,不过我觉得使用时的按摩很重要,对于抚平细纹也
A 你有玫瑰俏,我有柑橘调    也许说到最能代表爱情的花朵,大家的第一反应就是玫瑰!的确,红玫瑰的热烈,白玫瑰的纯洁让无数文人骚客为之动容更使它成为天下有情人对爱情矢志不渝的象征。于是乎,用玫瑰做香调的香水也就成了爱情的代表。当然,如果你认为玫瑰味道的香水一定是女性化的,那么就大错特错了。在花果类对香的调配上,往往女士款的香型更趋于柔美、甜蜜,在前调、中调和后调中会加入其他的花果元素,比如茉莉、
2008年5月12日,一场突如其来的强大地震打破了天府之国——四川历来令人艳羡的安静而祥和的生活。这次灾难考验着中国人民战胜一切的勇气与永不放弃的毅力。灾难过后,全国乃至全世界的倾力相助,让我们更加体会到人类真善美的本质与魅力。  2010年,人们应该都不会忘记在废墟上曾经闪动的那些温暖的色彩。绿色——不畏艰险、日夜奋战的人民子弟兵;橙色——专业的救援队员;白色——白衣天使;蓝色——为失去家园的群
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China's well-known mobile phone manufacturers, millet 20, announced that it will cooperate with Foxconn, started construction in India, a mobile phone factory in the second.  According to Manu Jain, g
[摘 要]经济社会的快速发展,对公路服务功能的不断完善产生了积极的影响。作为反映区域经济发展程度的重要指标,公路运输量的有效统计,有利于掌握公路运输基本状况的更多信息,从而对未来道路运输业的稳定发展做出科学评价,全面提升我国公路运输统计信息分析水平,构建出可靠的统计指标体系,推动我国公路事业的稳定发展。因此,需要开展公路运输量统计调查分析工作,最大限度地满足交通运输业的实际发展要求,为我国各地区公
According to data released by the Ministry of industry and trade development of Brazil, the first two months of this year, Brazil's trade surplus grew by $3 billion 958 million. During this period, Br