This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the “12 January” patriotic movement with great historic significance under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Now I was in Peking to participate in this movement bit memories written below, in order to commemorate. “The most dangerous time for the Chinese nation!” I was a student from 1933 to 1937 in the Department of Foreign Languages at the National Taiwan Normal University, when Li Wenwen was called. Originally, I like to read a quiet day, do not want to participate in other activities. In particular, poverty at home, the cost of the guru, entirely on my own commitment. More than a year after I started, I gave a lawyer a clerical job and later taught in a “Vinda tutoring school” (located in the Faculty of Arts). I also wrote some articles in newspapers and magazines. I was so busy with my day and night that I really did not have time to think of others.