近几年来,云南省电气火灾的发生率一直占火灾总数的21%左右,而引起电气火灾的原因有设备老化、短路、超负荷.接触不良等,其中电气设备老化是主要的祸首。因此,要想让电气火灾远离我们,就必须学会识别电气设备的老化程度,并采取相应的预防措施。 那么,怎样识别电气设
In recent years, the incidence of electrical fire in Yunnan Province has accounted for about 21% of the total number of fires, and the causes of electrical fire are equipment aging, short circuit and overload. Poor contact, etc., in which the aging of electrical equipment is the main culprit. Therefore, in order to keep the electrical fire away from us, we must learn to recognize the aging degree of the electrical equipment and take appropriate preventive measures. So, how to identify the electrical equipment