
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu830329
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对我院1985~1994年10年中134例产后出血资料进行了回顾性分析,结果宫缩乏力仍为产后出血的主要原因,占73.85%;其次为胎盘因素、软产道裂伤、凝血功能障碍、前置胎盘、羊水栓塞、胎盘早剥。因此强调应加强产程观察,缩短第三产程,正确地应用催产素,并适时施行会阴侧切及剖宫产术,均能减少产后出血的发生。另外在胎盘因素所致产后出血中,有一半病例有人工流产史,应引起注意。同时作者还对产前和产时可能引起产后出血的危险因素进行了探讨,以期预见到产后出血的可能性,给予正确的预防和处理。 134 cases of postpartum hemorrhage in our hospital from 1985 to 1994 were retrospectively analyzed. The results showed that uterine inertia was still the main cause of postpartum hemorrhage, accounting for 73.85%; followed by placental factors, soft birth canal laceration, coagulation Dysfunction, placenta previa, amniotic fluid embolism, placental abruption. Therefore, the emphasis should be on labor observation, shortening the third stage of labor, the proper application of oxytocin, and timely implementation of episiotomy and cesarean section, can reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage. In addition to placental factors in postpartum hemorrhage, half of the cases have artificial abortion history, should be noted. At the same time, the author also discussed the possible risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage during prenatal and maternity in order to foresee the possibility of postpartum hemorrhage and give correct prevention and treatment.
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