全面系统地阐述了往复泵输送矿浆峰值分散技术。在分析单台往复泵流量脉动及压力脉动产生原因的前提下 ,论述了多台泵向同一管路输送矿浆时产生峰值叠加的原因及消除峰值叠加的两个条件 ,给出了识别最佳分散相角值的图示解析及软件计算判断两个方法及公式 ,提出了峰值分散技术的概念及机械耦合、电子耦合两种方法。最后阐述了中国铝业河南分公司氧化铝技改工程中管道化溶出往复泵高压专用隔膜泵组中峰值分散技术的实际方案及运行情况
A comprehensive and systematic exposition of the reciprocating pump delivery pulp peak dispersion technology. On the premise of analyzing the causes of the flow pulsation and pressure pulsation of single reciprocating pump, the reasons of peak stacking when multiple pumps are transported to the same pipeline and the two conditions to eliminate the peak superposition are discussed. The optimal dispersion The phase angle value of the graphic analysis and software to determine the two methods and formulas to determine the proposed peak dispersion technology and the concept of mechanical coupling, electronic coupling two methods. Finally, the actual scheme and operation of the peak dispersion technique in the high-pressure special diaphragm pump for the pipeline-type dissolution reciprocating pump in the alumina technological transformation project of Henan Aluminum Company of China Aluminum Corporation