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当前,我国国民经济一方面出现了结构性有效需求不足,部分大中型企业产品销售率下降,经济效益滑坡,面临困境;另一方面,居民手中有钱没东西可买,尽管储蓄利率一降再降,但估计1996年城乡居民的储蓄存款余额仍会达到40000亿元以上。从国家统计局抽样调查的结果来结算,1996年居民实际支出增长会低于收入增长两个百分点。因此,我国目前的主要问题是有效购买力不足,难以形成对生产有强大拉动力的有效需求。因此,走出困境必须启动市场,开辟新的消费热点,即培育新的经济增长点。这对 At present, the national economy of our country has not enough structural and effective demand on the one hand, the sales rate of some large and medium-sized enterprises has dropped, the economic benefits have fallen, and difficulties have been encountered. On the other hand, residents have no money to buy anything, However, it is estimated that the savings deposits of urban and rural residents will still reach more than 4,000 billion yuan in 1996. From the results of the sample survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, the actual expenditure growth of residents in 1996 will be lower than two percentage points of revenue growth. Therefore, the main problem in our country today is the lack of effective purchasing power and the difficulty of forming an effective demand that has a strong driving force for production. Therefore, we must start the market out of the woods and open up new hot spots for consumption, that is, nurture new economic growth points. This pair
山西省于今年8月9日召开了省水资源管理委员会扩大会议,针对目前本省水资源管理工作中存在的问题,议定几项事宜: 一、山西县水资源严重缺乏,势态日趋严重,不仅约制了工农业
Based on the CFC concentration, the fraction of young groundwater in a mixture with old groundwater can be defined if the age of the young component is known. T
市场规模 据英国EIU预测,传统汽车市场趋于饱和以及新兴市场增速高但增量小,将使今后几年内全球汽车市场保持适度增长,预计2000年全球汽车年销量将从1995年的4910.2万辆增至
介绍了具有合成H2 O2 和光催化性能的双功能新型复合电极 .双功能复合电极是将TiO2 /C光催化剂负载在具有合成H2 O2 性能的新型载体上形成的 .在光反应器中 ,复合电极作阴极
苏政发[1985]116号各市、县人民政府,省各有关委、办、厅、局:现将省水利厅《关于进一步加强农田水利工作的意见》转发给你们,请参照执行。历年 Su Zhengfa [1985] No. 116
今年是全国化工自控设计技术中心站建站 40周年 ,回顾四十年 ,自控中心站在上级主管部门和挂靠单位的正确领导下 ,在各兄弟单位的支持下 ,团结协作 ,艰苦创业 ,开拓前进 ,共
The variations in seed and pod traits, genetic superiority and genetic divergence were evaluated for a Clonal Seed Orchard (CSO) of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. at Bi