国债管理可以通过流动性效应与利息率效应对宏观经济运行产生影响 ,其中对宏观调控的影响集中反映在宏观调控手段和调控经济效果两个方面。我国国债管理还需要进一步改进 ,主要是 :( 1)注意国债品种多样化 ;( 2 )选择适当的国债种类及应债来源 ;( 3)增加商业银行持有国债的比重 ;( 4)大力发展国债二级市场 ;( 5 )积极推行利率市场化改革。
The management of treasury bonds can have an impact on the macroeconomic performance through the liquidity effect and the interest rate effect. The impact on macroeconomic regulation is mainly reflected in two aspects of macroeconomic regulation and control and economic control. (1) pay attention to the diversification of the national debt varieties; (2) select the appropriate types of bonds and sources of debt; (3) increase the proportion of commercial banks holding treasury bonds; (4) make great efforts to develop Secondary market of national debt; (5) actively promote market-based interest rate reform.