The Shaying River is the largest tributary of the Huaihe River Basin. The Shayinghe River basin covers an area of 39880km2 and the total length of the riverway is 620km. The basin area in the province is 28800km2 and the length of the river is 410km. It is the focus of flood control in the Central Plains. After the founding of the PRC, Rocky Beach, White Kameyama, Baisha, Peng River and other 11 large and medium-sized reservoirs and mud River Valley flood detention area project. However, there is a lack of key flood control projects in the upper reaches of the northern part of the North Ru River. The existing flood control projects are still very low. There is only once in five years in Bahe, and only 10 to 20 years in Beiruhe and Shahe. Yinghe is once in 10 years. The Shayinghe River Basin is an important base for grain, cotton, tobacco, oilseed and coal, and electricity production in Henan Province. There are also major railway lines such as Jingguang and Jiaozhi, and flood control and safety are the major concerns. Therefore, the above flood forecasting and optimal scheduling system Construction is very important.