Mannitolum infusion on cirrhotic patients with tense ascites treated by paracentesis

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Objective To investigate whether albumin can be substituted by mannitolum in cirrhotic patients with tense ascites treated by paracentesis Methods Sixty eight patients admitted to this therapeutic procedure were randomly assigned to receive intravenous albumin (36 patients) and mannitolum (32 patients) infusion In repeated large volume paracentesis (3-6?L/day), intravenous albumin 20?g or intravenous 20% mannitolum 250?ml were added Results In 24 and 48 hours after paracentesis the mean value of electrolytes, liver and renal functions and various indicators of systemic circulation either in Group 1 or in Group 2 cases were found without changes ( P >0 05) As compared with that before paracentesis, the diameter of spleen vein was increased significantly ( P <0 05) The complications occurring after paracentesis were similar in both groups Conclusions It was suggested that paracentesis with intravenous infusion of mannitolum is an effective and safe method in treating cirrhotic patients with tense ascites Objective To investigate whether albumin can be substituted by mannitolum in cirrhotic patients with tense ascites treated by paracentesis Methods Sixty eight patients admitted to this therapeutic procedure were randomly assigned to receive intravenous albumin (36 patients) and mannitolum (32 patients) infusion In repeated large volume paracentesis (3-6? L / day), intravenous albumin 20? g or intravenous 20% mannitolum 250? ml were added Results In 24 and 48 hours after paracentesis the mean value of electrolytes, liver and renal functions and various indicators of systemic circulation either in Group 1 or in Group 2 cases were found without changes (P> 0 05) As compared with that before paracentesis, the diameter of spleen vein was increased significantly (P <0 05) The complications occurred after paracentesis were similar in both groups Conclusions It was suggested that paracentesis with intravenous infusion of mannitolum is an effective and safe met hod in treating cirrhotic patients with tense ascites
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