One of the most intriguing elements of the Rise of the Great Powers, which hit the streets shortly before, is a description of the role of the economic system in the rise of great powers. Because this is very close to the reality of our lives, so that ordinary people can see and touch. This TV film specifically talked about the human understanding of economic law and the choice of economic system, starting from the fourth world power in history, Britain, and none of the previous descriptions of Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands mentioned To Because, the latter relies on international trade. Only when Adam Smith published “Wealth of Nations” in 1776 did the free-for-all economics doctrine stand out as the opposite of the imperial economy or the government economy. Since then, Britain has become a pioneer and flag of economic liberalization throughout the world. Why did Qing, after losing the two Opium Wars after 1840, merely sign a treaty of humiliating and humiliating China, cut its land and indemnities, opened its door to foreign trade, and did not like it