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2015年,我国经济运行遭遇到不少预期内和预期外的冲击与挑战,经济下行压力持续加大。面对错综复杂的形势,党中央、国务院坚持稳中求进的工作总基调,实施了一系列稳增长、调结构、促改革、惠民生、防风险的政策组合,使国民经济运行保持在合理区间,结构调整取得新进展,民生持续改善。预计全年GDP增长6.9%,CPI涨幅1.5%。展望2016年经济增长,中国经济发展长期向好的基本 In 2015, China’s economy ran into many anticipated and unexpected shocks and challenges, and the downward pressure on the economy continued to increase. Confronted with the intricate situation, the Central Party Committee and the State Council adhere to the general tone of work for steady progress and have implemented a series of policy combinations of stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, promoting reforms, benefiting people’s livelihood, and preventing risks so that the national economy can be maintained at a reasonable level New progress was made in the interval and structural adjustment, and people’s livelihood continued to improve. It is estimated that the annual GDP will increase by 6.9% and the CPI will increase by 1.5%. Looking forward to the economic growth in 2016 and the long-term good foundation for China’s economic development