情牵太行山 心系植绿人

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2月的太行山区,春寒料峭。9日至21日,河北省林业局局长张树仁带领省绿委办、局办公室和宣传办有关负责人员,轻车简从,跋山涉水,行程近3000公里,走访了邢台,石家庄、保定三市太行山区的19家民营造林大户。不惊动市、县有关部门领导,直接深入山卯、林地,吃农家饭,饮山间风,真正走到群众中去,总结民营林发展的鲜活经验,了解制约民营林发展面临的困境和问题,解决造林大户的实际困难。这是张树仁局长亲自策划并躬身实践的“行万里燕赵山路,访百家民营林人”调研活动的开始,这是深入贯彻落实中共中央、国务院《关于加快林业发展的决定》和河北省委、省政府《关于推进林业跨越式发展的决定》,把工作做深、做实的一次具体行动。 The Taihang Mountains in February, spring chill. From January 9 to January 21, Zhang Shuren, director of the Hebei Provincial Forestry Bureau, led the Provincial Green Commission Office, Bureau Office and Propaganda Office responsible officers. He traveled nearly 3,000 kilometers and traveled 19 farms in Xingtai, Shijiazhuang and Baoding. Large private afforestation. Without disturbing the leaders of relevant departments of cities and counties, directly going to the hills, forests, eating rice for farmers and drinking between hills and mountains, and actually walking into the masses, summarizing the vivid experience in the development of private forests and understanding the difficulties that will confront the development of private forests and Problems, solve the actual difficulties of afforestation large. This is the beginning of the investigation and investigation carried out by Director Zhang Shuren personally and practically. It is the first time that “the investigation of accelerating the development of forestry” was thoroughly implemented by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Hebei provincial party committee and government “on the decision to promote forestry by leaps and bounds,” the work to do deep, real concrete action.
一、方法原理: 1。当指示电极与参比电极同时浸入试液中时,构成一个原电池,根据滴定过程中,测定原电池的电动势,在等当点附近时,由于被测物质浓度改变,曾引起电位的突跃,即
胡锦涛强调,坚持不懈地开展植树造林活动,把祖国建设得更加秀美吴邦国温家宝贾庆林曾庆红黄菊吴官正李长春罗干等参加 Hu Jintao emphasized that unscrupulously carrying
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本文根据矿床地质特征及矿物包裹体研究等方面的资料,综合分析后认为:折腰山、小铁山矿床(工业矿体)成因为火山热液矿床。 According to the geological characteristics of