各位代表: 我受国务院的委托,现在向大会提出1989年国家预算执行情况和1990年国家预算草案的报告,请予审查。一、1989年国家预算执行情况 1989年是很不寻常的一年。在中国共产党和人民政府的领导下,我国各族人民坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,团结一致,艰苦奋斗,战胜重重困难,取得了制止动乱和平息反革命暴乱的历史性胜利,治理整顿在很困难的条件下,仍取得了比较明显的成效,国民经济正在向好的方向发展。这一年,国家预算的执行情况也是比较好的,财政收入超额完成了国家预算,基本上保证了建设和改革的资金需要。
Distinguished Delegates, I am entrusted by the State Council and I now submit a report to the General Assembly on the implementation of the state budget for 1989 and the draft national budget for the year 1990 for review. First, the 1989 state budget implementation 1989 is an unusual year. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the people’s government, the people of all nationalities in our country adhere to the four cardinal principles, adhere to the policy of reform and opening up, unite as one, work hard and overcome numerous difficulties, and have won historical victories in stopping unrest and quelling counter-revolutionary riots. Under the very difficult conditions, the obvious achievements have still been achieved. The national economy is now moving in a good direction. During the year, the state budget implementation was relatively good. The fiscal revenue exceeded the state budget and basically ensured the funding needs for construction and reform.