孔子(公元前551~479)出生在我国古蚕丝产区的鲁国——山东曲阜,是我国的大思想家、大教育家。他处在社会变革的转折点时代,作为正统派的代表,他竭力主张保持夏、商和西周的政治体制,以仁为核心,宣传以先王礼仪为治国之本的政见。在当时的潮流下,他的政治主张已难以被各国君王接受,但他不改初衷,同着他的得意学生,到处游说。 一次,他带着学生颜回、子路、子贡等离开卫国到陈国(均在今河南省境内,公元前489年)去,入境后见到两个姑娘在采桑。孔子见到生长
Confucius (551 ~ 479 BCE) was born in Lu Guo, the ancient silk producing area in China, and Qufu, Shandong Province, is a great thinker and educator in our country. He was in the turning point of social change. As an orthodox representative, he endeavored to advocate maintaining the political system in summer, business and the Western Zhou Dynasty. At the core of his benevolence, he advocated the political opinion of administering the etiquette of the kings to govern the country. Under the tide of that time, his political views had been hard to be accepted by kings of all countries, but he did not change his mind and lobbied everywhere with his proud students. Once, he took the student Yen Hui, Zi Lu, Zi Gong and other countries left Chen Wei (all in Henan Province, 489 BC) to go, after the arrival of the two girls to see Mulberry. Confucius saw growth