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理财案例:王小姐今年24岁,现为某事业单位的合同工,丈夫今年29岁,现为公务员,两人的年收入为8万元,双方均有社保。有一个刚出生3个月的宝宝,家庭存款有15万元,计划给孩子准备教育基金。现在他们住的是父母的房子,想买一套经济适用房。目前,无任何负债和贷款。此外,有条件的话,准备3年后再买一辆娇车,请专家帮助实现理财目标。 Financial Case: Miss Wang, 24, is a contract worker for a public utility company. Her husband, 29, is now a civil servant. Both earn an annual income of $ 80,000 and both have social security. There is a newborn baby three months, family savings of 150,000 yuan, plans to prepare children’s education fund. Now they live in the parents’ house, want to buy a set of affordable housing. Currently, there are no liabilities and loans. In addition, if conditions permit, ready to buy a Jiao car after 3 years, ask experts to help achieve financial goals.
在新西兰享受地方美食、品尝葡萄酒以及酒庄旅游是节假日最重要的娱乐活动,游客们可以享受美味新鲜的土特产、海鲜,有机会体验各种不对外出口的风味年份酒,包括香气四溢的贵腐甜酒。  在这里不仅可以品尝到顶级的新西兰优质长相思,还有霞多丽、灰比诺、雷司令、琼瑶浆、赤霞珠、美乐以及传统气泡酒(MethodeTraditionelle)。   新西兰的高档葡萄酒产区当属马尔堡(Marlborough),这里全年