国家计委1993年9月17日就房地产价格有关问题答复新疆自治区物价局: 一、各级政府物价部门是房地产价格的主管机关。当前,应认真贯彻执行国务院国发[1993]60号文件《关于积极稳妥地推进物价改革抑制物价总水平过快上涨的通知》精神,加强对房地产价格的管理,规范价格秩序,禁止炒买炒卖。要继续深化房地产价格改革,
On September 17, 1993, the State Development Planning Commission replied to the Price Bureau of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on the issue of real estate prices: 1. The price departments at all levels of government are the authorities responsible for real estate prices. At present, we must conscientiously implement the spirit of the State Council’s document No. 60 [1993] of the State Council on Actively and Steadily Pushing Forward Price Reforms to Suspend the Rapid Increase in Price Level, strengthen the management of real estate prices, regulate the order of prices, and prohibit speculation. Sell. To continue to deepen the reform of real estate prices,