负责编码恶性疟原虫P-多糖蛋白同系物1(Pgh1)蛋白的pfmdrl基因的突变可使疟原虫具有对各种抗疟药的耐受性,并可影响寄生虫对氯喹的耐受性。& 由澳大利亚的研究人员在近期出版的《自然》杂志上所发表的这一研究结果“对未来抗疟药的开发及其功效都具有非常重要的意义”。
The mutation responsible for the pfmdrl gene encoding the P-glycoprotein Homologue 1 (Pgh1) protein of Plasmodium falciparum will allow the parasite to tolerate various anti-malarial agents and may affect the parasite’s resistance to chloroquine. The results of this study, published in a recent issue of Nature by an Australian researcher, “are of great importance to the future development of antimalarial drugs and their efficacy.”