将国民生产总值增长确定在7.5%左右,是中央在客观分析国内外形势后做出的重大决策,它兼顾了需要和可能备受瞩目的 2014年全国两会日前闭幕。本刊特邀请三位专家对两会政府工作报告进行深入解读。这三位专家分别为:中央党校经济学部副教授赵锦辉博士;国家行政学院经济学教研部主任、博导张占斌教授;北京工业大学经济学院副院长关峻。经济增长7.5%左右原文:今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长7.5%左右,居民消费价格涨幅控制在3.5%左右,城镇新增就业1000万人以上,城
The determination of GNP growth at around 7.5% is a major policy decision made by the Central Government after an objective analysis of the situation at home and abroad. It takes into consideration the recently concluded two sessions of the two national committees in 2014 that need to and may attract much attention. The magazine invited three experts to carry out in-depth interpretation of the report on the work of the two governments. The three experts were: Dr. Zhao Jinhui, Associate Professor of Economics, Central Party School; Professor Zhang Zhanbin, Director of Economics and Research Department of National School of Administration; Guan Jun, Associate Dean of School of Economics, Beijing University of Technology. Economic growth of about 7.5% The main objectives of this year’s economic and social development are: GDP growth of about 7.5%, consumer price increases of 3.5% or so, new jobs in cities and towns more than 10 million, City