Mr. François Chibb, who I had the privilege of living with him, was at a meeting at the House of Cyrillic when I visited Paris in 1988. The famous French barrister, of course, as the president of the French Association of the Selina, the author of The Celina, and the executor of Selina’s will, was of particular interest, Castle “and” Round Table Knight “”, had recorded the impression on him, in my mind, I am afraid he is to be regarded as Celine “Knight ” the most important one. After that meeting, I gave him the knowledge of Celine, after giving Serena’s biography of three volumes. Later, I asked my friend Shen Chih-ming to be the author of “Selection of Foreign Literary Masters” “Compilation of a” Selena Selected Anthology ", but also by Mr. Qi Bo generously agreed to help solve the theme of the version