【摘 要】
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the liveris rare. Totally nine such cases have been reportedin the literature. Primary SCC of the liver has beenreporte
【机 构】
Department of Surgery Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Chang Gung University Taiwan China,Department of
【出 处】
World Journal of Gastroenterology
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the liveris rare. Totally nine such cases have been reportedin the literature. Primary SCC of the liver has beenreported to be associated with hepatic teratoma,hepatic cyst, or hepatolithiasis. Complete remission ofpoorly differentiated SCC of the liver could be achievedby systemic chemotherapy followed by surgery orremarkably respond to hepatic arterial injection of lowdose chemotherapeutic drugs. Here we report the fi rstcase of primary SCC of the liver presenting as a solidtumor and receiving successful hepatic resection with9-mo disease free survival.
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the liveris rare. Totally nine such cases have been reported in the literature. Primary SCC of the liver has beenreported to be associated with hepatic teratoma,hepatic cyst, or hepatolithiasis. Complete remission ofpoorly differentiated SCC of the liver May be achievedby systemic chemotherapy followed by surgery orremarkably respond to hepatic arterial injection of lowdose chemotherapeutic drugs. Here we report the fi rstcase of primary SCC of the liver presenting as a solidtumor and receiving successful hepatic resection with9-mo disease free survival.
He aspired to discover the world, de
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