位于镇原县上肖乡仪封行政村的一家非法炼油厂发生火灾,被县公安局消防科依法禁止生产并对该厂4名人员各处2000元罚款。 1999年8月25日上午11时30分,镇原上肖仪封炼油厂原油池发生火灾。西峰市公安消防中队火速奔赴现场将大火扑灭,保住了20吨成品油和两个炼炉的安全,阻止了火势对周围群众的威胁。县公安局消防科及时对起火原因进行了全面细致的调查。查明火灾系烧炉工李元沛从炼炉中取火做饭时不慎被风将火星
A fire broke out at an illegal refinery in Yizhun Village, Xiaozhou Township, Zhenyuan County, and was banned by the Fire Department of the County Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law and a fine of 2,000 yuan was imposed on all four personnel of the plant. At 11:30 on August 25, 1999, a fire broke out on the crude oil tank of the Xiaoying Refinery in Zhenyuan. Xifeng Public Security Fire Squadron rushed to the scene quickly put out the fire, saving 20 tons of refined oil and two furnace safety, preventing the fire on the surrounding people’s threat. County Public Security Bureau Fire Department in a timely manner on the cause of the fire conducted a comprehensive and detailed investigation. Identify the fire department burner Li Yuanpei fire from the furnace inadvertently being the wind Mars