“心样已到甲板!”海洋研究所地球深层联合采样队的“勘探”号船大声通报。科学家和技术人员赶紧到甲板上去接受一条长30英尺、说明地球历史的样品。 这是为期一个月的海洋钻探计划的最后一天。要采集的是离新泽西州海岸60到90英里的大西洋底的泥、沉积物和岩石样品。这次行动的目的是帮助回答一
“The heart has reached the deck!” The “Exploration” of the Deep Earth Joint Sampling Team of the Oceanographic Institute reported loudly. Scientists and technicians rushed to the deck to receive a 30-foot-long sample of Earth’s history. This is the last day of the one-month marine drilling program. To collect samples of mud, sediment and rock from the Atlantic Ocean about 60 to 90 miles off the coast of New Jersey. The purpose of this operation is to help answer one