Two Poles of One City

来源 :北京电力高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaonvshashou
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  摘要:This passage takes the two poems Westminster Bridge and London so as to analyse a whole image of London from a comparative aspect.
  关键词: London; silence; turbulence
  中图分类号:H31文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-01-0-01
  After reading the two poems, I find that two poets portrayed two poles of this city respectively, so that we could skim a perfect sphere of London. They demonstrate the strikingly different moods toward the same city: one is silence, the other is turbulence.
  However, may the striking contrast disguise some comman point, and what is it? After analysing the two poems, I suppose the common point lies in that both poets are filled with deep love towards their ideal London. Wordsworth portrayed the transient beauty of the mortal to exalt the eternal beauty of the nature. While Blake depicted the ugliness of reality to yearn for the beauty of ideal.
  And then, I 'd like to analyse the images of two poems and try to elucidate my opinion. Firstly, let's look at London in the eyes of Wordsworth. I'd like to cite 3 spectacles to illustrate my feelings towards the poem.
  SpectacleⅠ:"ships, tower, domes, theaters, and temples lie/ Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.". It gives me a feeling that spikes of these buildings will extend endlessly and touch the boundary of sky. So that the mortal of London will be melted by heaven, and harmoniously integrated together. What a holy and grand London!
  SpectacleⅡ:"Never did sun more beautifully steep/ In his first splendor vally, rock, or hill;/ Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! ". I think here London becomes an experienced mid- aged man, peacefully and positively facing a new challenge of life. What a solemn and magnificent London!
  SpectacleⅢ: "The river gildeth at his own sweet will:". I discover that "river " is refered in both poems. Here the spectacle is a personification, which enables the river to become a happy and free man without the interference from other people. While in Blake's poem, the line "Near where the charter'd Thames does flow" leaves us a feeling that the river breaks into pieces,and becomes an abused instrument. What a cheerful and pleasant London!
  Through these spectacles, we may perceive that the unwakened London in dawn is consistent with Wordsworth's ideal image of London. This harmony between reality and ideal enables him to portray this city pleasedly and delightedly.
  Compared with the silent, brilliant and pleasant London in the morning, William Blake presents a dingy, messy and gloomy one in the midnight. I want to quote some images to unfold Blake's painting of London.
  In the image: the "cry of every Man" and "every Infant's cry of fear", I think London is a helpless place without sense of security, anyone living there will feel isolated and distressed.
  However the most wretched social stratum is harlot. When they are jobless, they could only use curse as the outlet of inward anxious surge. They curse the most yearning gifts of every woman: marriage and infant. -- The harsh reality has twisted their soul and broken their dream.
  Why Blake's tone is so pessimistic, desperate and horrible? I assume the reason is that the gap between the dismal London and his ideal one is so sharp that he could only use the painful hatred to express his faithful love.
  In summary, we may say that both poets express their powerful emotion to this city, and the passion is so strong that one sublimated it into pleased comfort. while the other transferred it into distressed pain.
  [1]Leech Geoffrey N.A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry.英诗学习指南:语言学的分析方法[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2001.
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