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利用极差、标准差、变异系数、基尼系数、赫芬达尔系数、首位度等方法,以2000~2013年皖南国际文化旅游示范区各地市的国内旅游收入、国际旅游收入以及旅游总收入为分析对象,揭示皖南国际文化旅游示范区区域旅游经济差异的时空特征。结果表明:1皖南国际文化旅游示范区旅游发展规模呈现不平衡态势,各地市间绝对差异较大,相对差异逐渐减小;2示范区内各地市的国内旅游收入差异和旅游总收入差异小于国际旅游收入差异;3 2000~2013年皖南国际文化旅游示范区国内旅游收入和旅游总收入的基尼系数介于0.30~0.41之间,处于相对合理区间,国际旅游收入的基尼系数介于0.50~0.67之间,差距较大,甚至很悬殊;4国内旅游收入和旅游总收入城市首位度指数始终介于1.2~2.2之间,相对较大,第1位城市对第2位城市形成稳定的规模优势,而国际旅游收入城市首位度指数大部分时间介于3.0~9.5之间,第1位城市对第2位城市形成绝对的压倒性的规模优势。通过对皖南国际文化旅游示范区旅游经济差异成因进行分析,表明区域旅游经济规模与旅游资源禀赋、旅游基础设施建设、交通区位条件好坏、政府政策支持以及经济发展水平高低之间的关系密不可分。 Using the methods of range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient, Herfindahl coefficient, first degree and so on, taking the domestic tourism income, international tourism income and total tourism income of different cities in Wannan International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone from 2000 to 2013 as the analysis Object, to reveal the spatial and temporal characteristics of tourism economic differences in Wannan International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone. The results show that: 1 The scale of tourism development in Wannan International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Area shows an unbalanced trend with absolute differences among cities and relatively small differences; 2 The difference between domestic tourism revenue and total tourism revenue is less than that of international 3. The Gini coefficient of domestic tourism income and total tourism income in Wannan International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone ranged from 0.30 to 0.41 between 2000 and 2013. Relatively reasonable range, the Gini coefficient of international tourism income ranged from 0.50 to 0.67 The gap between the two cities is large and even very poor. 4 The first index of domestic tourism revenue and total tourism revenue is always between 1.2 and 2.2, with the first city forming a stable scale advantage for the second city, The first index of international tourism revenue cities is between 3.0 and 9.5 most of the time, and the first city forms the absolute overwhelming scale advantage for the second city. By analyzing the causes of tourism economic differences in Wannan International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Area, it is shown that the scale of regional tourism economy is inextricably linked with the tourism resource endowments, tourism infrastructure construction, traffic conditions, government policy support and the level of economic development .
针对大庆外围低渗透油气田葡萄花、扶、杨油层含钙、 薄互层的储层特点,采用活性函数、模式识别和分辨率匹配处理技术,实现了低渗透油气田 储层厚度的自动划分,为大庆外围油气田