
来源 :中国钢笔书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woodma
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中国的书法艺术和西欧不同,西方的画家可以是单纯的画画,可以不懂文学,懂得造型和调色用笔就行.相对独立性强。中国传统的文化和艺术则都是中庸的,之间有说不清道不明的内在关联。历史上书法大家大多在文学和绘画甚至音乐、哲学等方面造诣很深,即使当代,有思想的书家在国学、禅理、绘画等方面亦有深入的研究,书法只是辅助的写心和表相。没有了这些,只能玩弄技法、强求意境,却永远也不可能登堂入室,说到底:匠人一个。硬坛就不需要这些吗?答案是否定的。外在的影响是潜移默化的,相信有志于中国艺术的朋友会有共鸣的!因此,彩页的新水墨和佛教与书法题材并没有浪费。只是有些同仁一时还不知如何去借鉴。也可能是杂志的编辑思路超前了。满足读者的需求是杂志的立身之本,因此明年将会缩小或取消新水墨专栏。况且,硬坛欲想得到广泛关注,必须得到外界的认可!如果有一天,中钢的杂志能吸引大量的汽车、化妆品、保健品广告,那才是真正意义上赢得了社会的重视和地位! Unlike Chinese Western calligraphy in China, Western painters can simply paint without understanding literature, using modeling and color palettes, and are relatively independent. The traditional Chinese culture and art are all moderate, there is no clear way to tell the internal relationship between unknown. Historically, most of the calligraphists in the literature and painting and even music, philosophy and other aspects of deep attainments, even contemporary, thinkers have thought in the Guoxue, Zen, painting and other aspects of the in-depth study, calligraphy is only aided in writing and appearance . Without these, can only play with techniques, artistic conception, but can never be denied, in the final analysis: a trainer. Hard altar do not need these? The answer is no. The external influence is imperceptible. I believe that those interested in Chinese art will have resonance! Therefore, the new page of ink and Buddhist and calligraphy topics are not wasted. Just some colleagues do not know how to learn for a while. It may also be magazine editor ahead of the idea. To meet the needs of readers is the foundation of the magazine, so next year will be to narrow or cancel the new ink column. Moreover, the hard-plate to get widespread attention, must be recognized by the outside world! If one day, the magazine can attract a large number of cars, cosmetics, health products advertising, that is the real sense of the community has won the attention and status!
(Suzanne Lewis)Suzanne Lewis是美国著名的花卉摄影家之一,她的摄影作品多以插花为主。作品风格非常特别,有着细腻的色彩层次,看似随意实则严谨的构图方式,一眼看上去与一般
美景良辰摄影:河北·肖吉地      碧塔霓裳摄影:北戴河·李集辉      碧螺塔月夜摄影:河北·赵晓风      消夏之地摄影:湖北·小葳      倩影摄影:河北·红星      碧螺闹海摄影:北京·丰井      静海斜阳摄影:河北·魏军营      人约黄昏后摄影:山东·逸梦      夜明珠摄影:四川·潘林      仙台琼阁摄影:河北·张德耕
北戴河是镶嵌在渤海的一颗明珠,她历史悠久,风景如画。1982年,国务院公布为首批“国家级重点风景名胜区”,1991年被评为中国旅游胜地40佳之一,1999年评为中国优秀旅游城市和全国园林式城市,毛泽东的一首《浪淘沙·北戴河》更使她声誉鹊起,闻名遐迩,为进一步反映北戴河美丽迷人的自然风光,北戴河区人民政府、中国摄影报、市旅游局共同举办北戴河冬韵风光摄影大展。    一、活动宗旨    通过摄影的形式