当前,国际工程承包市场总的情况可用八个字概括,即:动荡不定,前景看好。 首先,国际工程市场动荡不定是由于受世界经济不景气和“9.11”事件的影响,承包市场遭遇到多方面冲击。2001年,全球最大的225家承包商国外业务营业额为1065亿美元,与2000年(1159亿美元)相比下降8.1%,与1999年(1187亿美元)相比则下降11.5%。 与此同时,我们亦应看到,国际工程承包市场历来是风险与机遇并
At present, the general situation of the international engineering contracting market can be summarized in eight words, namely: turmoil and a bright future. First of all, the volatile international engineering market is due to the global economic downturn and the “September 11” incident and the contracting market has encountered various impacts. In 2001, the turnover of foreign operations of the 225 largest contractors in the world was $ 106.5 billion, down 8.1% from 2000 (115.9 billion U.S. dollars) and down 11.5% from 1999 (118.7 billion U.S. dollars). At the same time, we should also see that the international engineering contracting market has always been a combination of risks and opportunities