随风潜入夜 润物细无声——乌海市典型选树工作综述

来源 :内蒙古宣传思想文化工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxg1112
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进入12月以来,一本由中共中央政治局委员、中宣部部长刘云山作序,全国宣传干部学院编辑,学习出版社出版发行的《宣传思想文化工作案例选编》在全国与广大读者见面。该书所选21个典型案例均由各省区党委宣传部推荐,自治区党委宣传部领导经多次深入调查研究,向中宣部举荐乌海市近年来在典型选树、时代楷模评选方面的经验和 Since December, a series of “Selected Works of Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work” published and published by the editor of the National Publicity and Cadre Institute and published by the Publicity Department of CPC Central Committee Liu Younshan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, met with the readers throughout the country. The selected 21 typical cases of this book are recommended by Propaganda Department of Party Committee of each province and district. Propaganda Department of Party Committee of Autonomous Region After many times in-depth investigations and studies, Wuhai City was recommended to the Central Propaganda Department in the typical selection tree, the model of the times selection experience with