We have observed that aconite has a significant improvement in mice hypoxia tolerance, acute myocardial ischemia in rats and arrhythmias also have significant protective and antagonistic effects. This article further confirmed the aconitum injection on acute myocardial ischemia, left ventricular function and hemodynamics. Experimental Materials and Methods Ten healthy dogs were used, weighing 13.5 ± 2.9 kg, pentobarbital sodium intravenous anesthesia (30 mg / kg) and heparin (4 ~ 5 mg / kg). Left in the artificial respiration under the 4th ~ 5 thoracotomy, cut open the pericardial suture in the chest wall into the bed, exposing the heart. At the midpoint of the left anterior descending branch of the coronary artery or the root of the maximal beveled branch