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记者:刘院长,您好!什么是物联网?目前就您所了解,我国物联网的发展情况如何?刘海涛:物联网是面向实体物理世界,以感知互动为目的,以团队化的社会属性架构为核心,是建立在智能化和网络化基础之上的,超越智能化、超越互联网的,是物理与信息深度融合的全新系统。整个信息技术发展有三次产业浪潮,一次是计算机,一次是通信技术网络化,第三次是物联网。前两次 Reporter: Dean Liu, hello! What is the Internet of things? At present, as you know, how is the development of the Internet of Things in China? Liu Haitao: The Internet of Things is oriented toward the physical world, with the purpose of perceiving and interacting with the social attributes of teamwork Architecture as the core is built on the basis of intelligence and network, beyond the intelligence, beyond the Internet, is a new system of physical and information integration depth. The entire information technology development has three waves of industry, one is the computer, one is the communication network technology, the third is the Internet of Things. Twice before
AIM:To develop and validate a transient micro-elastography device to measure liver stiffness(LS) in mice.METHODS:A novel transient micro-elastography(TME) devic
文章阐述了两用技术转移的涵义及一般转移参考模型,建立了支持军民两用技术成功转移的概念框架体系,提出了军民两用技术研发战略。 The article expounds the meaning of du
OBJECTIVE:To identify global research trends of stem cell transplantation for treating Parkinson’s disease using a bibliometric analysis of the Web of Science.
AIM:To investigate whether this might be related to the presence of hyperhomocysteinemia.RESULTS:Hyperhomocysteinemia was evident in 32 patients(19.3%),although
在本文中,笔者由一道高考题,探讨了如何让历史课堂带点文学味。 In this article, the author examines how to make history class a little literary taste by a college
摘 要:班主任是班级工作的管理者和引导者,是学校与学生、家长之间联系的纽带和桥梁。所以我认为,做一个合格的班主任应具备责任心、宽容心、公平心、爱心和细心、更要处处留心。那么如何才能在教育中享受教师的幸福呢?那就需要我们做一个智慧的班主任。  关键词:班级工作;智慧;心态;快乐  中图分类号:G635.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)16-006-01  班主任工作纷繁
劲锐人物:励志保安,活跃于各大校园里,他们白天是维护校园秩序的工作人员,晚上则是挑灯夜读的学霸。他们来自不同的地方,却拥有同一个目标——到大学里深造,成为更好的自己。  在北大,流传着这样一个故事:“我今天忘了带学生证,保安一开口便是三个哲学命题——你是谁?你从哪儿来?要到哪儿去?答对才能进入。”让人捧腹的调侃背后,透露出北大保安的不凡。  20多年来,从北大保安大队走出了300多名大学生,其中最
今年入春以来,在我校学生中,胸膜炎的发病率较往年明显增高,且发病急,病情发展快。 今年我院共收治胸膜炎14例,均为结核性渗出性胸膜炎,其中学生12例,教职工2例。在12例学生