1 泾渭鲜枣:极早熟。8月中下旬成熟,较梨枣早上市30天以上,果个均匀,皮薄,色深红艳有光泽,丰产稳产。单果重30g左右,最大果70g。有关专家认为该枣是一个难得的超早熟、大果型、鲜食良种,早果、早丰性极强,可在全国大枣适生区大力发展推广。 2 大梨枣:中熟。9月下旬成熟,平均单果重30g,最大80g,鲜食风味极佳。挂果早、丰产、稳产。适合170天以上无霜地区发展。
1 very different fresh dates: very precocious. Mature in mid-August, early morning than the jujube more than 30 days, the fruit is uniform, thin skin, dark red and shiny color, high and stable yield. Fruit weight about 30g, the maximum fruit 70g. The experts believe that the jujube is a rare ultra-precocious, large fruit type, fresh varieties, early fruit, strong early abundance can be vigorously developed in the National Jujube suitable area to promote. 2 large pear dates: cooked. Late September mature average weight 30g, the largest 80g, excellent fresh food flavor. Early fruiting, high yield, stable yield. Suitable for frost-free areas for more than 170 days.