3.6 火制法 3.6.1 火制 用火处理药物的中药炮制方法。如炒、炙、煅、炼、伏、煨、焙等。 3.6.2 炮炙 指各种用火加工处理药物的方法。由汉代张仲景在《金匮玉函经》中首次提出。 3.6.3 火候 药物炮制受热的时间和程度。 3.6.4 火力 火的大小(强弱)或温度高低的程度。
3.6 Fire Preparation 3.6.1 Fire Preparation of Chinese medicine used fire treatment drugs. Such as fried, braised, calcined, refined, volt, lotus root, roasted and so on. 3.6.2 Gunpowder Refers to various ways of using fire to process drugs. It was first proposed by Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty in the “Jin Xuan Yu Bi Jing.” 3.6.3 Heat The time and degree of heat produced by the drug. 3.6.4 Firepower The degree of fire (strength) or degree of temperature.