Effects of chronic therapy with non-steroideal antinflammatory drugs on gastric permeability of sucr

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshuae9o
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AIM: To evaluate the gastric permeability after both acute and chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and to assess the clinical usefulness of sucrose test in detecting and following NSAIDs- induced gastric damage mainly in asymptomatic patients and the efficacy of a single pantoprazole dose in chronic users.METHODS: Seventy-one consecutive patients on chronic therapy with NSAIDs were enrolled in the study and divided into groups A and B (group A receiving 40 mg pantoprazole daily, group B only receiving NSAIDs). Sucrose test was performed at baseline and after 2, 4 and 12 wk,respectively. The symptoms in the upper gastrointestinal tract were recorded.RESULTS: The patients treated with pantoprazole had sucrose excretion under the limit during the entire follow-up period. The patients without gastroprotection had sucrose excretion above the limit after 2 wk, with an increasing trend in the following weeks (P = 0.000). A number of patients in this group revealed a significantly altered gastric permeability although they were asymptomatic during the follow-up period.CONCLUSION: Sucrose test can be proposed as a valid tool for the clinical evaluation of NSAIDs- induced gastric damage in both acute and chronic therapy. This tecnique helps to identify patients with clinically silent gastric damages. Pantoprazole (40 mg daily) is effective and well tolerated in chronic NSAID users.
目的 观察踝关节胫骨滑槽植骨融合术治疗大骨节病晚期临床疗效.方法 选择33例大骨节病晚期患者,行踝关节融合术,其中双踝手术5例,单纯右踝手术13例,左踝手术15例.术中采用胫骨滑槽植骨空心螺钉内固定,术后石膏外固定.随访0.5~6.0年,比较术前及末次随访美国矫形外科足踝协会(AOFAS)评分以判定疗效,X线片评估术后融合情况.结果 33例均未发生切口感染、血管神经损伤等严重并发症.末次随访时,3
目的探讨应用心脏涤纶补片进行睑外翻兜带术治疗听神经瘤摘除术后面神经麻痹所致睑外翻的效果。方法于内眦韧带处及外眦颞上方,做下睑皮下隧道切口,将心脏涤纶条带分别固定于内眦韧带及外眦颞上方,使下睑缘位于角膜下缘上2 mm。结果术后随访6~12个月,17例听神经瘤术后面神经麻痹性睑外翻均完全矫正,无植入物移位或脱出,患者对手术效果满意。结论心脏涤纶补片条带兜带术治疗听神经瘤术后面神经麻痹性睑外翻,操作简单
类癌是一种少见的神经内分泌肿瘤,约90%发生于胃肠道[1],而胰腺类癌极为罕见,发病隐匿,临床上对此认识不足,容易误诊.我们结合经病理确诊的4例胰腺类癌,对该病的CT诊断和治疗进行回顾性分析,现报道如下.一、临床资料例1女,59岁.反复发作性低钾血症、休克近10年,发现腹部包块2d.CT平扫示胰腺体尾部类圆形肿块影,边缘光滑,大小约7.0 cm×8.0 cm,内见斑片状低密度区及点状钙化(图1);
说起韩国整形,人们自然就会想到韩国影视里那一个个有着亮丽面孔的韩国俊男靓女们。也正是随着韩剧的热播,而让人们逐步认识、熟知了韩国整形的威力。可以说,正是因为这些明星效应,让人们对韩国整形趋之若鹜。  韩国整形开始于上世纪60年代,经过多年的发展,以精细、精致为准,强调自然和谐,过硬的外科功底、扎实的临床经验、专业的麻醉技术,甚至五官科医生直接介入整形等都让整形界不可小觑。仔细探究,不难发现,那些韩
目的 分析外伤性跟骨骨折合并糖尿病病人的围术期护理干预效果.方法 选择我院2016年4月至2017年5月期间收治的外伤性跟骨骨折合并糖尿病患者50例,依据护理模式差异性将所有患