Due to the effect of polycarboxylate superplasticizer on the adsorption of mud components, the clay content of aggregate in aggregate has a significant effect on the performance and quality of concrete. Different clay contents have different effects on the performance of concrete with different strength grades. The results of the concrete experiments on the concrete with different strength grades mixed with different clay contents show that the increase of the clay content has no significant effect on the workability of C25 and C30. The C40 and C50 workability varies with the clay content When the clay content is more than 3%, its workability will suddenly deteriorate and the loss over time will be greater. The increase of clay content has no obvious effect on the compressive strength of C25 and C30, but the C40 and C50 Compressive strength decreases with the increase of clay content, when the clay content exceeds 5%, the compressive strength will not meet the design requirements.