一、概况流动注射分析技术(Flow Injection Analysis,FIA),是1974年由丹麦技术工业大学的Ruzicka和Hansen首先提出,1975年公开发表的一种自动或半自动的新型湿化学分析技术,它是在连续流动分析技术(CFA)和高压液相色谱技术(HPLC)基础上发展起来的全新的高速连续流动分析技术。
I. Overview Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) was first proposed by Ruzicka and Hansen of the Technical University of Denmark in 1974 and published in 1975 as an automatic or semi-automatic new wet chemical analysis technique Continuous flow analysis (CFA) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) based on the development of a new high-speed continuous flow analysis.